Statement of Faith


Noah's Schoolhouse values and beliefs are going to be taught through a Biblical worldview and an emphasis on excellence in education.

  • We believe in Bible and all Scripture.
  • We believe in the Holy Trinity; The Father, The Son, and the Holy Sprit
  • We believe in Jesus Christ. God’s only begotten Son. His virgin birth, His sinless life, and His resurrection. And also, in His future return.
  • We believe in Heaven and Hell and the importance of Water baptism as a work, not a way into Heaven. You must be born of the spirit and water, as Jesus says in John 3:5 "5 Jesus answered, “I tell you the solemn truth, unless a person is born of water and spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God."
  • We believe in traditional marriage between and Man and a Women and how God created the sacrament of marriage in Genesis.
  • We believe in complementarianism; That means we support gender roles and support the differences in Men and Women.